I Miss you...

   I love baby blue sky,
   I adore shiny white moon,
   Because they remind me of  You...

   Tiap kali ku lihat bulan, ku pasti tersenyum...
   Terpukau dgn keindahan ciptaan Tuhan...
   Ya Allah, berilah aku peluang menatap sang rembulan itu lagi...
   Ya Rabb, kurniakan aku rasa syukur agar aku tidak melupakan nikmatMu ini....

   Pintaku, semoga Kau hadirkan seorang insan yg bisa menjadi rembulan di hatiku,
   menyinar dan menerangi jalanku untuk mencariMu...
   Oh Allah, aku rindu pada rembulan itu...

Penyakit malassss....

Penyakit malas mai dh... rs susah nye nk start engin ni blk...
mentang2 la br blk dr becuti.... adoiii, che far che far... =p
Patut la org slalu ckp, setiap hari kena buat jgk keje skit.
Ada betulnya, dh tgl bbrp hari ni jenuh nk cari blk starting point nye...

Ya Allah, tolonglah jauhkan penyakit malas dari hambaMu ini. Akan ku usaha siapkan jgk dissertation ni... skitttt lg...

Nah gambaq feri sebijik buat cuci mata... Walau letih best jgk dpt mandi laut, yuhuuu...

Heart does turns...

salam sejahtera, kepada anda semua moga bahagia... aduh, dok nyanyi nasyid plak... hihi... It's ok, silence je =)

What is something that you have, smthg that is very close to U, very dear, but very hard to control ? 
Obviously, its the heart... and soul is heart bestfriend.. Thats why when we abundant our soul, the heart become lifeless....

Heart is hard to control. Yes, indeed it is very true.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) would often supplicate, 
“O turner of hearts, keep my heart firm upon Your faith.”    Copied from: suhaibwebb.com

The heart in arabic is qalb and the root word itself means smthg that turns... So, its natural that our heart always weighing between options when making decisions and even when the decision is already made, we might want to change it later.

Yesterday, I woke up and very determine to forget and let go smthg that is not mine but my heart is attach to, but the thought keep coming back to me, made me wanna rethink of my decision... 
Yes, it is not easy to let go things that our heart desire, esp smthg of this world. But, never give up, purify our intention. 'I'm doing it because of Allah. He is my priority.' InsyaAllah, He is Ar- Rahman, The Most Generous, He is Al Hadi, He will guide us, answer our prayer, provide and ease the way out.

source: finewallpaperss.com

Saya dah nak kawin

Saya dah nak kawin...
Eh, silap, sepupu sy yg dah nk kawin... haha, jgn marah... and i am the penyepit atau dlm bhs omputihnye bridesmaid. Skrg musim cuti sekolah mmg ramai mendirikan masjid. Alhamdulillah...
Klau cakap psal kawin, smua org excited... knp ye? hurmm... (-_-)?
Dh habis cousin2 perempuan yg laen kawin, so biasalah ada soalan cepu2 cemas time kenduri atau majlis2 lain... sabar jalah wahai hati...
Actually, bukan susah pon nk jawab. Jawablah, 'insyaAllah tahun depan...' tp tk tahu tahun bila =p... ada kawan gtau idea camni.

Favourite Question, biasanya ada yg direct trus dan ada jgk yg tersirat...

Gaya 1: Kamu ni bila lagi?
Gaya 2: Bila nk kawin?
Gaya 3: Yg ni tak lama dh kot?

Well, to singles out there, especially perempuan mcm sy ni, don't worry too much...
pening jgk pikir psal kawin2 ni, dh la xde boyfriend. Huh, boyfriend? Ape kaitan? Sebenarnya nk kawin x perlu ada boyfriend pun, ada calon sudah cukup...
Oooo, kena cari calon la ni. tapi sy pompuan mcmn? pompuan pon boleh merisik lelaki =). ada berani? ce try ce try =p ....
Nk try silakan. Tapi make sure awak tu dh ready, bukan boleh main suka hati je, nmpk hensem trus rasa sesuai... ops, bahaya tu...
Sort your priorities girls... Dr apa yg sy dh blajar la (dan sdg bljr lg), sblm kawin ni kena bersedia dulu. Bersedia mcmn? Antara yg pntg:

1. Refresh your relationship with Allah.
2. Polish your basics. *refer to basic as a Muslim.
3. Refresh your relation with family esp parent.

Make sure ready physical dan mental, kawin bukan tuk suka2 je. Marriage has a bigger purpose... Through marriage you mould the future generation and you have to mould them to be a great nation, a great ummah that will uphold Islam as the way of life. If you as parent died and you leaves behind children who are too absurd with this world sampai lupa nk doakan parent sendiri, then u are in a great lost man...

Ok, kembali kpd topic nk kawin, Don’t rush into marriage but get marry when you are ready.... Klau kita jmp org yg kita suka, doa banyak2 kat Allah. Doa ikhlas dari hati sendiri... 'Ya Allah, jika dia jodohku, maka Kau bukakanlah jalan jodohku dan kau permudahkanlah, jika sebaliknya, kau berikanlah yg lebih baik untukku, hanya padaMu aku bertawakal'... Klau x jmp lg, doa lagi bnyk2. Mintak parent doakan skali, terutama mak, doa ibu tuk anak mmg powerful.

Dalam sibuk mencari jodoh, jgn lupa cari yg laen jgk. Mcm dlm gambar kt bawah ni... Until next time....

* Mencoret2 diblog setelah penat memerah otak siapkan projek tp x dpt output yg diingini lg.uwaaa...

No One Else Can Feel It For You..

 "No one else can feel it for U"

 It simply means that you are the one who draw or sketch your very own life...
 Its you who decide whether you laugh or you cry, succeed or fail...
 Live your life and feel it =)
 Whatever your decision is, Just remember one thing, always make Him (Allah) your priority...

I adore this song...
A part of the beautiful lyrics:

Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten

Until I See You

Salam semua... 
  To conclude today, I wanna share a great video with you guys... 
  Maybe ramai dh tgk, tp boleh tgk lg.=)
  Just clear up your mind, and watch this, u'll feel the impact.
  It's fine if you don't really know him before, what more important is you take a step to know him today
  Biar rasa malu harini pada diri sendiri daripada malu nnt depan Rasulallah waktu nk mntak syafaat dari dia.    Sy pun br nak blaja kenal dia. Jom sama2... 

Source: Youtube

Alhamdulillah is all i want to say

"Synapses spark but the information slips away,
Thus I lost my word,
I want to thank You but I lost my word,
The feeling is overwhelming,
I know it is there and it is overwhelming.
Perhaps 'Alhamdulillah' could do a justice
To reciprocate the unspoken word.
All Praise to You O Allah my Lord..."

Picture taken at Masjid Sultan Hassan, Cairo, 2012. The masjid was once a learning center for all four mazhab.

My very first time...

Bismillah... All praise to Allah The Almighty...
May this blog be a medium of knowledge sharing... Ecewah...
Walaupun ilmu saya x seberapa, tp terasa ingin dikongsi walaupun sepatah dua...Buat manafaat sesama kita...

This will be a free style blog, covers all range of topics, except gossip... Gossip is my best enemy... 
If you happen to come across this tiny little hut, welcome home... =)
And if you are kind, do leave some comments...
Be happy, don't worry, and sabar...

Salam perkenalan... and because I loveee moon very much, here a token of appreciation =p

From: http://dailypicksandflicks.com/2011/06/01/daily-picdump-140/beautiful-moon/
